Voylla Salutes Social Activist: Bhavana Jagwani
There are so many social, environmental, and health issues that need ‘fixing’ in our world and it is not possible that one person can do everything and solve it all but still everyone can do something to make a difference to the world at large and everyone can be a Hero in his or her own way.
At Voylla.com we decided to highlight these Heroes from all walks of life that are making our world a better place in a multitude of ways. At regular intervals we will feature a Hero on our blog whom we think deserves some real recognition and celebration for the outstanding work they have done in our communities and in our world.
As the first part of the series, we will talk about Bhavana Jagwani, a renowned social activist from the pink city of India, Jaipur.
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Social Activist & A Jewellery Designer: Bhavana Jagwani[/caption]
She has been closely associated with Mohan Foundation's Jaipur wing, which is creating awareness about cadaver transplant.
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Mohan Foundation[/caption]
A unique concept of organ donation of brain dead people which can help many people suffering from organ failure to live a normal and healthy life. In her words
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Organs That Can be Donated[/caption]
"There are many organs that can save lives, but are not passed on to the people waiting for organ-transplant as there is a lack awareness about this concept in the society." She said that she is working to create this awareness. When asked how people are reacting to her campaign, she said changing the mind-set takes time, but she is optimistic because earlier, she had been associated with eye bank and proudly adds that now Rajasthan ranks among topmost states in the eye - donation. So, soon we will be having similar statistics for organ donation as well.
Answering to the question how she manages to find time for this social activity, she said that she has five children, three are biological and the other two are her social activism and jewellery designing and like any mother she loves all her kids equally and finds time for each.
In this blog series, we will be asking these social activist a few questions regarding what have been their challenges, achievements and their message to budding social activist. So here are the answers given by Bhavana Jagwani to our questionnaire.
Q1: Every woman dreams to be successful and famous. You are someone who has managed to create a niche for yourself, so please share how was your journey so far? The Challenges & the Achievements?
Ans.1: Successful, yes, but not dreamt of being famous. Journey so far has been awesome... I believe that being focused on what you want to make, sure does reap bountiful rewards. A thought which is positive and pure cannot but be Flowering!
Q2: It is said that we should keep on striving for more because if we stop, we stagnate, so what is the next milestone you are aiming for?
Ans.2: Next Milestone: To work towards Organ Donation this seva is given to me by my Guru... almighty..So many People lose life due to want of organs and so many people's organs are burnt off after death....God has given us this save to link up both and hence bring happiness to many families.
Q3: I think most of the women have faced this challenge of maintaining a perfect balance between work-life & personal-life. So, we will like to know how you strike a balance between the two?
Ans.3: I work from home... so that i can strike a perfect balance between work life and personal life... Meditation and Yoga every morning helps me maintain my equilibrium.
Q4: There are so many people who want to make a difference in the society at large, any word of advice for them?
Ans.4: Life is a Journey... keep your cool... be happy... in others happiness...and there is so much to learn from each and every being... :-)
Bhavanji's daughter, Astha Jagwani is a designer with Voylla.com. you can check out her beautiful jewellery collection Here: