Pink October for Breast Cancer Awareness
The month October is officially declared as the month for breast cancer awareness, during which throughout the world annual international health campaigns are organized by major breast cancer charities to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.
They say prevention is better than cure, and it is a very well-known fact that an unhealthy lifestyle is the biggest cause for this deadly disease. So it is for our best that we all eat healthy, exercise well and also the most important one is self-examination. A self-check every month is highly recommendable. There is still a lot to be done in the treatment and research side of breast cancer, so a lot of organizations, do involve in raising funds along with creating awareness about the same.
Initially it was assumed that only women get breast cancer, and pink being a representational colour for the female gender, the “Pink Ribbon” became the official symbol for breast cancer awareness. Though later it was found out that even men are vulnerable to breast cancer, but the probability is very low, so a lesser popular version the “pink & blue” ribbon was created for men with breast cancer.
Other than maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the next thing you could do is make more and more people aware about it. Awareness and prevention is the key here. The latest trend that’s prevalent these days is wearing pink. The month October has become synonymous to everything Pink. If you would also like to support something pink, here a few pink trinkets from Voylla .com. Let’s paint the world pink!

Well, It is great to have been reminded to check yourself sometime during the month of October. But cancer doesn't follow a calendar. It has no idea what month it is, and it wouldn't care if it did. You need to continue to check regardless of the time of year along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Make a promise to yourself, today.
Know more about Breast Cancer here:
Flaunt what you've got (And Stay Alert)
Shuchi K